Monday 18 September 2017

Get one Over Trouble Thoughts ( Ramson Mumba)

 John 14:1

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.”

I don’t know about you, but the last time I caught myself feeling troubled, I don’t recall giving myself permission! I just found myself feeling that way. I certainly didn’t wake up in the morning saying, “Watch out everyone, today I am about to be troubled.”

Jesus’ command in this verse gives us a problem because the functionality of our brain means that we worry without meaning to. We sink into anxiety without even realizing that we are doing it! Yet Jesus clearly said, “LET NOT”, meaning that, even though we really don’t feel like it, we are still in control.

Sometimes it is as simple as knowing what gets your mind upset. If you can’t tolerate that type of movie, don’t watch it, because if you do, later on you won’t be able to sleep. If you can’t handle the roller coaster, don’t ride it, or you will spoil your whole day out. Knowing yourself and managing your soul is wisdom.

But more than that, there is a shield that we can employ which keeps troubled thoughts at bay, and it is this, BELIEVE GOD. Before those thoughts invade our mind and heart, the Word that we have believed repels them.

If you have no Word you have no shield of faith. Discouraging and threatening circumstances barge right on in and trouble you. But if you have a Word before you hit trouble, that sense of fear and intimidation can’t touch you. It can’t get past your Word shield.

Make a decision to believe God again today. According to Romans 10: 14-17, fresh faith comes as we hear the preached Word. Take a moment to look it up and remind yourself of the necessity of hearing the Word preached to us. It’s not just about reading the Word in our personal time with God. Those times are vital to connect with God and to fill us up with the “logos” Word, but it is the “rhema” Word, or the Word that is quickened as it preached under the anointing, that gets the job done in our lives.

Don’t let your heart be empty of Word today. You are in control, so take charge, get your shield in place and kick troubled thoughts out of your soul.


Heavenly Father, thank you that I am empowered to take control over troubled thoughts. I am so glad that I am not at the mercy of anxieties and fears, but I can put up a shield of faith and repel those things.

Today I make a decision to listen to the Word of God being preached under the anointing, so that faith can come into my heart afresh. As I listen, I trust you to speak to me, and I am excited to gain the upper hand over troubled thoughts. I bind every tormenting thought right now and I pick up my shield of faith again, and I declare, “I believe God!”

Source: ramsonmumbaministries

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