Saturday 2 September 2017

PRAISE HIM! (pt 1)


Christians often speak of "praising God" without really knowing either the meaning or the mystery behind it.
In this article we are going to be studying together and searching to know the origin or the mystery behind praising God. Sit back, read, understand and Enjoy the sweetness in knowledge!

First of all, the Bible instructs all living creatures to praise the Lord (Psalm 150:6). Let's see what the Bible meant. 
One Hebrew word for "praise" is Yadah, meaning Praise, give thanks, or confess. 
A second word often translated as "praise" in the Old Testament is Zamar, meaning sing praise.
A third word translated as praise also in Hebrew is Halal (the root of hallelujah), meaning to praise, honour or commend.
All three terms contain the idea of giving thanks and honour to the one who is worthy of praise - God!. 



Praise is the joyful recounting of all that God has done for us. We might have suffered hurt in some area of life, you may feel the world is crumbling on your finances, your marriage, your career, whatsoever. Don't you forget that God is the reason you are still alive.
I can recall the story one of my Pastor told me; He said "A lady came to my office crying so hard that her makeup were being washed down by her tears. When I asked what the problem was, she started sobbing and explaining saying; "Pastor, I am of marriageable age, I have done my first degree and my Masters, I have a good job. Every of my friend are married now, despite the fact that I have prayed and fasted vigorously God still refused to give me a husband". I immediately knew her problem. I shouted at her "shut up", "so you know your age - meaning God have kept you for that number of years, and you are educated. So you have a good job and you even have eyes to see that your friends are all married." "God has done this much for you, yet you use the mouth he has given you for no charge to complain?" she was silent. She came to her senses and now she is happily married".

WAIT! Think before you complain, because complaints only complicates your issues. The best time to Praise God is when you are in a mess, then you see his mercies.

Therefore, start giving God thanks now, He deserves it and more (Psalm 18:3).

Continues tomorrow......
Stay blessed.

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