Thursday 7 September 2017

Preparing for Promotion (Joel Osteen)

God Sees the Very Best in You

There’s nothing quite like that feeling you get when your boss, or maybe a coach or someone who’s important in your life says, “I believe in you, and you’re doing a fantastic job. I see so much potential in you that I’ve got a higher position for you.”

The great news I have for you today is that God sees the very best in you. He wants to promote you! He desires to take you to a new level of joy, productiveness and fulfillment.

I want to help you prepare for promotion. I want you to be successful in your work...enjoy a satisfying, loving marriage...see your finances meaningful relationships...and experience victory over any circumstance! Here are the key, biblical principles that will help you get ready for promotion:
Have faith that God can help you rise above any adversity.

When you’re in a difficult situation and something is going on that you don’t like, very often this is simply a test of your faith. If this is you, I hope you will find some comfort in the fact that God has your best interest at heart. Regardless of your current circumstances, let me encourage you to follow Him faithfully. As you do, God will begin to turn things around for your good and His glory.

Every day we receive hundreds of letters from friends who share with us how God has used this ministry to encourage them and help them stay strong in their faith during tough times. One testimony came from Greg, who shared how God honored his commitment to keep a positive, faith-filled attitude even after he received crushing news that his boss had changed his mind about a raise he had agreed to give Greg:

“His words were like a stranglehold on my throat. I went home and prayed. I asked God to allow me to feel peace and not anger toward my boss. The next morning I was sharing with my wife how I needed to be more thankful, and the phone rang. It was my boss, saying my raise had been reinstated! I was speechless. This is a new chapter in my walk with the Lord. Thank you for your words of hope and encouragement. They’ve helped me more than you know!”

What a great reminder that when God is ready, no man can stop Him! No circumstance can keep you down! When God says it’s time, it’s time. “Because of your faith it will happen” (Matthew 9:29, TLB).

When God says it's time, it's time
Live with a soft heart and teachable spirit.

If you’re going to be ready for your promotion, it’s so important that you have a teachable spirit. We should always be willing to learn. Stay open to new ideas and new ways of doing things. If others are critical of you, don’t get defensive — take the opportunity to do a self-evaluation and use it to motivate yourself to grow and improve.

A big part of being teachable is to be humble, especially with those God has placed in authority over you. Greg could have gotten mad at his boss for canceling his raise. But Greg humbly accepted the lesson God wanted him to learn, and the situation turned around.

That’s a soft heart and a teachable spirit! When you say, “God, I don’t really understand this or agree with it, but I’m going to follow You anyway,” you’re passing the test and putting yourself in a position for God to promote you. “God’s strong hand is on you; he’ll promote you at the right time” (1 Peter 5:6, The Message).
Get involved: Serve others and be a blessing.

One of the easiest things to do when you’re facing trials is to turn inward and become self-focused. But every day we should look for opportunities to do good and make a difference in other people’s lives.

A good way to wake up each morning is to ask, “Where is there a need that I can meet? How can I bless someone today?” If you take time for others, God will look out for your needs. Think of Jesus. He came as the Lord of heaven who could have demanded that everyone serve Him. But Jesus said He did not come to be served, but to serve (Mark 10:45). Live a lifestyle of giving — God promotes givers!

If you live by biblical principles, your life will be transformed like those of so many others who have already committed themselves to live above their circumstances.

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